Dusk till dawn


A Kobby Dadzie piece

 *Nb* : this piece and any other piece relating to it is totally fictional. Any resemblance to any incident or persons in real life is assuredly coincidental. Use of “twi", (vernacular) a Ghanaian local dialect might be predominant starting from this piece.

 ( _Translation will be provided)_

Episode three

James and his cousin went out to grab some drinks. It had been a while since the two met in person. They talked a lot, updating each other from what they missed while they were both apart. Cousin Fiifi knew Angela very well. They both were in the same university in London four years ago. He was told everything and Fiifi couldn't believe the inseparable had separated.

 *Scene one*


 *Fiifi* : You have to solve this Freda issue or she will mess up anything you build if how you describe her is true.

 *James* : I know right.

 *Fiifi* : Are you sure those two are sisters? Because how can a sister do this her own sister?

 *James* : I should be asking you. At least you knew them before I did.

    *Fiifi* : I got to know about her shortly before you two started seeing each other.   _*(Sighs and sips, emptying his glass of wine)*_

 *James* : So you don't know how I would find her? I mean don't you remember anything from school? Anything that will give me a lead to finding her?

 _*(he sounded desperate and very determined*

 *Fiifi* : Well, way back in London she had her own friends she went out with and aside that fact, we were in the same school but not reading the same course.

 _*(A disappointed look appears on James's face)*_

But I think I can get close enough to finding her

 _(Looks so cheered and eager to know how he was going to do it  [draws to the edge of his seat])_

 *_James_* : So how? Tell me. I am so happy, brother.

 *_Fiifi_*: I have to make some calls first. T.
he closest I can get is through her father's business addresses in New York maybe. I am not sure they will get me any closer to private information. All we have to do is pray hard.

  _*(Picks up his wallet from the table)*_

Shall we?

 *James* : No we shan't, I mean this is a woman  I love. I find her my priority and the opportunity to make things right will be reality. I can't wait for that. Do you know what I have been through and what I will have to go through tonight just because of the same thing? Do it now. Make the calls, talk to whoever you have to talk to. I need answers.

 *Fiifi* : Answers will come. It will take time. I promise you, that by tomorrow,  I will give you details. Just give me a couple of hours. Now relax your mind and let's get going.


Fiifi had gotten him all he needed to finding Angela but they were all addresses to Angela's father's businesses in the New York just as he predicted they would be . It was more than enough for desperate James. Time wasn't favouring him. As most believed he would get over it with time, it rather got worse with time.
      Angela wasn't having it any easier either, she was under heavy pressure wondering if she had done the right thing leaving without listening. She was trying to convince herself with so many factors. Simon knew she was different and the lady she had been with is not the same person she had reunited with. Simon just won't stop coming around even when he wasn't needed. Simon became a pain now in Angela's tale. He had the recognition and support of both parents, so it was expected.

      Angela got to her father's prestigious magazine firm in New York for a board meeting representing Mr Ali , her father . The meeting started of nicely as Angela addressed the issue of unstable staffing and employees who don't seem to stay longer, but just left at any point in time. Which was gradually causing the productivity to fall as represented on the presentation board to the board of directors. Her remedies were daring because it only meant that the company delved in serious investments.  If these investments don't go well, it might bring the company to its knees. Her remedy was to invest in a scholarship program in African Universities which would have policies requiring beneficiaries to sign an agreement to join their “_Ink Page_” magazine in New York to work for a period of ten years as they provided shelter and travel allowance with salaries increased by ten percent of what current employees were taking. At the arrival of the newly signed, all employees by then will have an increased salary by twenty three percent of current salary. She further explained that a slim opportunity be created for experienced and highly skilled employees based in Africa........................................................................................................ All her proposals were accepted after she won  by maximum votes casted by the board of directors.


 _*Scene two*_

She had a wonderful time during the meeting. They all congratulated her and exited. When she was alone , she walked to the glass window which extended across the meeting room. It gave a wonderful view of the city since their height was considerable on the skyscraper . As usual, the thought of James came to mind and surprisingly it was so intense, she picked up her cell phone and called him. James was behind his computer filling the entry on the “Ink Page"
Webpage which had immediately effected the cause and projections of the board meeting. At that time, James who was coincidentally on the webpage of “Ink Page"  saw an the opportunity of not only getting close but closer to Angela and seeing her everyday. He was so happy knowing very well according to his belief, that  it would pull through and he be picked amongst thousands who were also filling the online entry form as  experienced workers in required fields. He stopped typing and answered his cell phone call .

(Noticed it was a private number)


 *James* : Hello

 *Angela* : James

 *James* :   _Steps out of his seat so shocked )*_

Angela, where have you been?

 *Angela* :  ( _Starts weeping upon hearing his voice*_ )

James why?  Why did you have to do that?

 *James* : Just calm down. It's not healthy for you to be crying this way. What you saw that day, was never real.

   *Angela* : Just shut up. I hate you so much.

      *James* : It doesn't make sense. What you did shows you are only restless and you are still holding on to me as I am holding on to you. I believe you called to tell me you still love me or perhaps to check up on the only man you love. This was never a call of hatred. I know you too well, Angie. I still love you too.

 *Angela* : Just shut up. It's all lies.      _*(weeping continues)*_  Lies upon lies.

   *James* : Give me your address.

( _She hangs up)_

She begins feeling a headache and dizziness. She then decided to go back home.

To be continued........

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