Dusk till dawn

Episode five

A Kobby dadzie piece

 *Word* : Mistakes do happen and there are things you shouldn't just make a quick decision over when you are not sound minded it could rob you of happiness you deserve


 _*Scene one*_

In her private office she ordered for a cold glass of water, Trisha was yet to know what had caused her uneasy state. Angela was sweating profusely.

 *Trisha* : What is wrong, I keeping asking you over and over, you look like you saw a ghost. What did you see in the meeting room?

 _(Angela goes to sit , drinks up and sighs heavily)_

 *Angela* : He is here

 *Trisha* : Who is here?

 *Angela* :

( _Tear begin to roll down her face)_

The actual father of my baby.

 *Trisha* :
_*(Hits her hand to the table)*_

So Simon is not the father of your baby?

 *Angela* : No he isn't,

_(Trisha looks betrayed)*_

 _*(Angela knew with that look Trisha wasn't so happy)*_ It okay, I know I  lied to you

 *Trisha* : So what happens now, you must calm down, it not healthy for you in your current state, at all cost you must go talk to them.

 *Angela* : Do the talking for me please, I can't go back in there now.

 *_(Simon walks in )*_

 _Scene two_

 *Simon* :  Hello ladies,

 *Trisha* :Hi,

 _(clears her throat)_

I will be in the board room _(by passes Simon_ _and signals_ _behind his back that she wouldn't take her place in the meeting but would wait )_

 *Simon* : Baby missed you so much.

(They exchanged kisses on cheeks)

 *Trisha* : Will be waiting

 *Simon* : Why is there a meeting?

 *Angela* : Yea but I am not too well. I had to meet up with some new recruits from Africa.

 *Simon* : Don't worry I am here now , I will personally give you the moral support you need in there besides this is not so much of an official meeting.


 _*Scene three*_

Angela tried to convince him out of his actual intent of going in  there with him. She was naturally scared to contain both men of her life in the same room. Simon gave her no choice but walked and in with her.

She showed Simon to his seat further from her seat but rather went in for one of  the empty seats closest to hers teasingly. James noticed some odd feeling between the two but couldn't just figure out who Simon was or what actually was going on. Angela talked to them informing them about their stay just as the official from the bus had said and gave then details of their duties and benefits should anyone be signed after the interview, she was interrupted by Simon who unleased to her being misery and frustration with all that came from his mouth

 *Simon* :    ...............and mind you, the guys among you, she is expecting my baby and we getting married soon so you can go in for any not just your boss because your boss is hooked

 ( _*He said jokingly  [Angela immediately went to look at James face: he looked surprise and disappointed, he was truly disturbed , Angela kept shaking her head to James as Simon spoke but James couldn't  hold himself but run out)*_

Everyone was stirred in the room - not understanding the cause if his running out in the meeting.

Angela quickly called the security at the entrance points and exits to hold him off if he tries passing through but he had already exited the building.

 *Angela* :  That will be all for now, you are dismissed.

 _(to the new arrivals_)

 *After everyone existed the room Simon got close to Angela*

 *Simon* :    Who is that guy to walk out of a conference? All theses people need to be medically examined.

 *Angela* : The  Director in charge will take care of that and will report back to me, I am so tired, I want to be alone now

 *Simon* : There is one thing I must know?

 *Angela* :
( _With a sterned facial expression she asked )_

Which is?

 *Simon* : We have never made love so how on earth are you pregnant?

 *Angela* : Which reminds me, how do you know?

 *Simon* : Trisha told me and I demand to know who you have been seeing behind my back.

 *Angela* : So you knew the baby isn't yours and you told the world  that we were having a baby together, I just don't get you sometimes, I just can't believe I use to date you, I now know I was really blinded by youthful foolishness.  It over between us Simon!

 *Simon* : It never over until I say so, not until your father and mum says so.

_(Forces a kiss on her_ )

 *Angela* : You are a coward.

 (_*wipes her lips with a tissue*_ )


 _*Scene four*_

Across continent from America to Africa Fiifi went over to Freda's place to talk some sense into her head just so she could kill her fantasy. She welcomed him inside, she was just from her mother's.

 *Freda* : A glass of water?

 *Fiifi* : No, I m good.

 *Freda* : _3ha de3 borkor , WO na WO nam._

 *_(Translation: You are warmly welcome, what is your purpose for the visit)_*

 *Fiifi* : _3kwan so borkor_ . I am Fiifi and I believe you are Freda.

 *(translation: I came in peace* ).

I am here to talk to you about a sensitive issue that needs to be resolved. James is my brother and I need you to stay away from him. It wrong to must after a man your sister is in love with.

 *Freda* :      
*(laughs hysterically)*

You have no idea how long I have waited for you to come.

 ( _Walks over to her cellar down the hall way and pours herself a glass of Baileys)_

I know you are in town to get married to my very own rival in business and in personality, Nana Ama Bentil .

 *(Fiifi is stunned )*

I just wasn't sure it was you in my house when I first saw you, it was too good to be true seeing you around. Now, here is my proposal to you, you are going to help me get into James head. I want him all to myself, no man has ever proven hard to get in my life like he is and it even drives me crazier to have him to myself. In exchange I will reveal to you who she is and why she wants to marry you.

 *Fiifi* : How do you know Nana Ama?

 *Freda*: She used to be a friend until she grew up in her own understanding.

 *Fiifi*: I am not entering into any deal with you, Nana Ama will never do anything to destroy what we have built from scratch.   Stay away from my brother , that's all.

 *Freda* : Don't worry, I know you are smart, just pay a closer attention to everything between you two hence forth and you will come back here to renegotiate.

 *Fiifi exits the scene*


 _*Scene five_*

Late at night in New York city Angela laid restless in bed. Wondering how James took all that happened, now her pain  had now drifted from her earlier stands to what James might be thinking after possibly going through hell to get that close to her again. Sh made several calls to confirm if he had returned but no one seemed to know anything until a call came in shortly after she started shedding tears. James had  returned to the hotel where the nine others lodged. She quickly left home and headed over to the hotel. She got there and was led to his room where she ordered her body guard to wait outside.

She knocked on the door and lo be behold, there stood the love of her life behind the opened door. He wasn't so happy seeing her.
She entered and closed the door behind her.

 *Angela* : James I can't do this anymore, tell me why you are here

 *_(she sobs)_*

Why did you have to run after listening to those lies.

 *James* : Are you really pregnant?

 *Angela* : (cries)  Yes, but you have to listen yo me.

 *James*: Get out, I don't want to hear you explain anything it all clear now, I worried about you day and night battling with fears of not having you again, not knowing your moving on was so easy which makes me wonder if you even loved me in the first place.

 _Angela weeps out uncontrollably, repeatedly saying “No" to all his claims_

I am going back home, I have seen enough, glad you are happy.

 _(R2bees “it over” sets in)_

She stayed no matter how hard James pressured her to walk out, trying to explain but he wouldn't want to listen to anything. They kept quite for a very long time until Angela broke silence.

( _R2bees “it over"  set down)__

 *Angela* : Remember how we met?

( _To James but reluctant to respond_ *[he laid in bed as Angela laid in the sofa across the room]*

I only came to that village under the instructions of my Dad to really get to know why he wanted to aid them and why he wanted to put me in charge. I didn't want him to initially and he said I was a spoilt brat and that I should be on the front line to know what it feels like and I met you doing your philanthropic mission.

 *James* : He was right

 *Angela* :

 ( _*A little surprised)_*  

What? Who was right?

 *James* : Your father was right, you are a spoilt brat.

Angela throws the pillow from the sofa she on at James across the room


To be continued

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