*Dusk till Dawn*
A Kobby Dadzie piece
Episode two
February 3, 2018 Posted by: Maverick Greatness


James got back from the airport, Freda was long gone. He was so disturbed throughout the night. Everything he thought was impossible took a matter of seconds to all happen. He felt everything was crushing down on him. “How could she, he kept asking himself”. He never had a good night sleep ever since that day, he would wake up late at night and get himself caught up in deep thinking, trying the phone number of Angela just with hopes of it going through. Angela seas away had started a new life by getting herself involved with her dad's business abroad just like she was doing in Africa, She had made up with her old fiancĂ© who cheated and almost cost her life due to a reckless heartbreak. Mr. Ali, Angela's father was a comfortable business man with countless firms and organizations mostly operated by trusted family relation with some even working in the main stream. He never got the full knowledge of why Angela suddenly came to the States unannounced, neither did her mother, Theresa. As a mother's heart aches over every seen and unseen pain or worry of her child, Mrs Theresa couldn't stop pushing in to know the was really going on. She did so whenever Angela seemed to be reflecting on something that hurt her.

 *Scene one*

Walks up to stand beside Angela from behind.

 *Mrs Theresa* :

You know, ever since you were a little girl, anyone who saw you adored you. You were bright and so sweet just like you are now but you got sick most of the time, it became so much for your dad and I but we never gave up on you.

 (Sits beside her)

You got more prettier with every recovery and that is how I knew you are a fighter not just a beauty

 (Holds her hand which laid idle on her lap)

Talk to mummy,

(holds Angela's cheek and redirects her face to her's  to gain a face on interaction knowing very well she will hardly tell a lie or hide anything in that state)

 *Angela* :     (Tears rolls down her face)

Mum why is love so complicated?

 *Mrs Theresa* : Did Simon do anything to hurt you?

 *Angela* : Not him (sniffs and wipes her tears with a tissue)

In Africa I fell in love with someone, it was so perfect mum but in the end ............................... (breaks down and cries) he cheated mum, he cheated.

 *Mrs Theresa* : Stop crying, some things just happen so we can be saved from greater harm in the future, I want you to calm down, try and forget about him and remember you are involved with someone else now, Simon is the perfect man for you because he is all changed and knows you better.

 *Angela* : I can't forget him mum, I just can't.

 (walks away to her room in tears)


 *Scene two*

Mrs Theresa quickly called the head of security for all their West African business assets and operations.

 *Lamar* : Good day madam

 *Mrs Theresa* : Good day, I need you to find whoever it was my daughter was dating over there in Ghana, will be coming for a meeting in three days will like to meet up with him. And get the house ready because I might stay a little longer than usual

 *Lamar* : Consider it done madam.


 *Scene three*

Freda in her apartment all alone on a weekend. She created a foggy atmosphere smoking and dancing with loud music. Sudden knock on the door, she wasn't expecting anyone so she was surprised, she quenched her cigarette and attended to the door.

 *Freda* : (Excited) Hey James, come inside

 *James* : No, no, no I want to know why I was part of the people laid off

 *Freda* : We had to cut down our employees to meet required budgets and for new policy installation so we could build a better and stronger financial grounds. It all for the greater good, I mean it not like you have been sacked we will call you back.

 *James* : Don't worry I will be better off.

 *Freda* : (with a flirty facial expression)

 Sure you don't wanna come in and punish me for adding your name to the cut off list.

 (Licks up her lips)

 *James* : Is this a blackmail? I mean after getting to know you I wouldn't be surprised if you pulled this cut off whack just to get to me but let me warn you, stay out of my life.

 *Freda* : I could make you very rich but you just playing hard to get which makes me wanna have you more each and everyday because no one rejects me, they all wanna have me, they all wanna have this (pushes up her breast)

 *James* :You are crazy, It not over

 *Freda*: Yea, until I say it is. I will have you and you will fuck me, I decide when its enough

 *James* : Who do you think I am, you killed what I had with your sister and you think you can have me?

Do I look like a sex doll?

 *Freda* : You are my sex doll James, I just want to keep you to myself if I can't have you no one will

 *James* : I will kill that thing you have locked up in your head

. *Freda* : Let's have a deal, I will help you get my sister but you and I will have our own thing going on from the back scene.

 *James* : You think you can have anything you want? You won't go free

To be continued

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