*Dusk till dawn*


A piece by Kobby Dadzie

A Kobby Dadzie piece

 _*Episode four*_


 *Ink Page* received and accepted James's entry, he qualified as an experienced and skilled analyst and research expert with his rich résumé to certify. He was given a visa valid for just a week for his interview. If he made it his visa would be extended under the deeds of his new employers. To him, it was an opportunity to get close to finding Angela and making things right with her, Fiifi liked the whole idea and even believed the heavens deliberately made things happen as such so the two would meet again. James had started packing up with just twenty - four hours to his departure time, it was his first time going to have to travel to the United States of America. Fiifi who knew so much about so many countries since he had a lot of travel experience got him stuffs he needed, it would be winter a little after his arrival to the United States of America. Fiifi went on a special shopping to get his cousin sweaters, long sleeved shirts, trousers made of dense fabric and other outfits to keep him warm. James didn't know why he needed all those things, he wanted just a bag but ended up with two after Fiifi's shopping.

      Across the ocean from Africa, Trisha drove Angela to the hospital because she complained of frequent headaches and dizziness. An appointment was already booked with the family doctor who had run some test on Angela, some of the results were ready in some few hours. The doctor asked a nurse to get Angela to his office, she entered with Trisha .


 _*Scene one*_

 _( They entered the doctors office lead by the nurse who handed over some sheets in addition to the ones the doctor already had in his hands_ )

 *Doctor* :
 _*(Clears his throat slightly)*_

I need to talk to you alone.

 *Angela* : Don't worry, it wasn't my idea to be here anyway so whatever there is to say you can say it before her, she is family...

 *Trisha*: Doctor is there anything we should be worried about? Just talk already !

 _(Impatiently added)_

 *Doctor* : Angela, you are two months pregnant

“What!"  , they both shouted _*(Angela and Trisha*_)

 *Angela*: But doctor I had my period last month.

 *Doctor*: What of this month?

 *Angela* : It a week late

      *Doctor* : Well, our tests have verified you are pregnant but we will run more tests tomorrow but for now I would want you to rest and relax and come back tomorrow. This is the time you need to get the father closer, it helps to ease all tension associated with pregnancy

 *Angela* : This baby has no father, I am all it has and it doesn't need any father around it.

 _(Tears rolls down her cheeks, she runs outside)

 *Trisha* :     Doctor please keep this from her father and mother for now, I think we should give her time to soak it all in because  she didn't expect it from the looks of things but doctor is it possible for a woman's mensuration to be still active during pregnancy.

 *Doctor* :  Considering  a lot of factors like hormones and other infections it possible but in her case it could be as a results of a hormonal factor.

 *Trisha* : Thanks...........

 ( _*Stand up from her seat)*_

How sure are you she could be pregnant?

 *Doctor* : Seventy seven percent, until the other tests are run I can't be a hundred percent sure


The time for his departure was now due, James had just thirty minutes which he spent with his cousin Fiifi.


 _*Scene two_*

 *Fiifi* :   You know why you are going to the States, you know the main plan, you have got just a week to find her, get close enough to make her listen to you.

 *James* : I pray this works out brother.

 *Fiifi* : It will brother, it will. Don't forget to finish writing the lyrics to the song you wanna sing for her when you are airborne..

As they were still talking an entourage all in black suites with a lady who looked exclusive and well off attracted all attention as porters trailed their huge loads of baggage.

James made his way on his airplane and took off to the States.

At the airport there was a bus imprinted in the company name *Ink* *Page* waiting for all arrivals, there were just ten of them from Africa. They got to know themselves by exchanging pleasantries on the way to bus led by an official from the company. In the bus they were given identity cards  which would grant them access in and out of the company's premises. The official briefed them concerning their temporal  stay in the United States, what is expected of them and how their week stay was scheduled, to James it was more of a quest than an interview.

He looked out the window at the beautiful buildings and monuments on the streets of New York with street performance by magicians and some dancers. It was so beautiful with people littering the the streets with their numbers.

It was amazing for all the first timers. As James sat a lady also a part of the ten walk to sit in the empty seat close to James.


 _*Scene three*_

 *Lady* : Hi I am Mona from Ethiopia

 *James* : James from Ghana,

 ( *_A little shyness pouring from his eyes)_*

_(Looks back out the window_)

 *Mona* :   First time in America?

 *James* : (looks back at her)

Yea it is my first, is it yours too?

 *Mona* : No, it my seventh time.


 ( _Begins to flow in the as the shyness depletes in the conversation)_

Wow, nice, it means none of this is new to you?

 *Mona* :  Not at all but I look forward to working there at Ink Page, I loved it when we came to have an offshore project done when I was still in university a year ago. Never been to Ghana will want you to be my tour guide in my visit.

The two got to know each other and talked and talked about so many things relating to America and the interview, before  went to their hotel they were sent to the company. They were set to meet the acting general manager and spokes person of Mr Ali, Angela  . The new arrivals didn't know who they were meeting until the entered the conference room. They were given seats and a cup of coffee each, before Angela stepped in it was ten pass ten.


 *Scene four*

 *Angela* : Sorry for the hold up   ( _walks in with Trisha and apologise)_

I had to see to some transactions and payments in your names. I believe          

( *she notices James just before she could sit and asked to be excused almost running out*)

To be continued .....

Kobby Dadzie piece

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