 February  2, 2018 

Ophelia: More than what?
Benicio: I want us to be more than friends.
Ophelia: You mean boyfriend and girlfriend?
Benicio: More than that.
Ophelia: Do you mind expatiating please?
Benicio: I want us to be more than that.
Ophelia: ‘i still don’t understand what you mean, do you mind telling me what exactly you want’ she asked feigning anger.
Benicio: I would like to be in a serious relationship with you that will lead to marriage and that is, if there is no one in your life at the moment and if you will permit me.
Ophelia: Alright, Let’s see how it goes from here then.
Benicio: Is that a Yes?
Ophelia: No it isn’t, let’s get to know each other first before we talk about anything.
Benicio: Okay.
After one month of Ophelia and Benicio getting to know each other as friends, they decided to take the relationship to the next level by dating. One morning after close of work, Benicio went to pick up Ophelia from work and drove straight to his house.
Ophelia: And what are we doing here, I thought you are supposed to take me straight to my place?
Benicio: This is my house.
Ophelia: ‘Why are we in your house’ she said as she stepped out of his car
Benicio: ‘Because we have been friends for over a month and since we decided to be dating, it is very important that you know where I live’ he said as he stepped out of his car and came to stand by her side.
Ophelia: Are you trying to lure me to bed by showing me your house?
Benicio: No, why would you say that?
Ophelia: Because I know how this works. Ben, we are only dating and nothing more. I am not going to step into your apartment for you to take advantage of me. It is not right in the sight of God.

Benicio: ‘I only brought you here to show you where I live and not sleep with you. Are you saying you have never visited a man before’ he asked inquisitively.
Ophelia: I am but in company of my friends.
Benicio: Are you also saying that you have never been intimate with a man before?
Ophelia: You mean slept with a man before?
Benicio: smiled ‘Yes’
Ophelia: I am a good Christian and in the sight of God, it is a sin.
Benicio: Really?
Ophelia: I will not indulge in anything that will make me fall short of the glory of God. Now, can you please take me to my apartment, you place is nice and thank you for showing me where you live ‘she said as she stepped into his car waiting for him to take her home.
Benicio: was amazed and happy that for the first time in his life, he has found the woman who fits him in all aspect of life. He has found the perfect woman for she is not only beautiful but still a virtuous woman and isn’t after his wealth. He got to his car with all smiles and drove her to her apartment.
When she got to her apartment, she bid him goodbye without allowing him come inside her house.
Benicio: When are you going to allow me into your apartment?
Ophelia: When I feel like but not now.
Benicio: And when will that be?
Ophelia: When I am comfortable enough to let you in.
Benicio: ‘Alright Madame, goodnight’ he kissed her on her cheek and she came down from his car while he drove off.
Ophelia: ‘Hey Babe,’ she said as she stepped into her apartment ‘what are you reading?
Jemila: Welcome Ophelia, I am reading adelove news Jare.
Ophelia: Okay, how was work today?
Jemila: It was fine and yours?
Ophelia: It was stressful ooo.
Jemila: Wow, Pele.
Ophelia: Thanks.
Jemila: Is that Ben that dropped you off?
Ophelia: Yes he was, why?
Jemila: Nothing ooo, are you still friend zoning him?
Ophelia: Not anymore, we are now dating.
Jemila: Wow! That is good news. Hope you haven’t slept with him?
Ophelia: Slept with him ke when I told him that I am a virgin.
Jemila: You did what?
Ophelia: I didn’t tell him directly okay, but I made him think so.
Jemila: What if he finds out the truth?
Ophelia: How will he find out?
Jemila: When you let him in.
Ophelia: Relax; I won’t let him in till our wedding night.
Jemila: And what will you do by then?
Ophelia: Until then girlfriend, until then. For now, I am the ideal woman to him.
Jemila: How and why did you say so?
Ophelia: Because Ben thinks so.

Question: Hmmm… Ophelia sounds like a wifey material. Don’t you think so?
To be continued
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