IF I TELL YOU SAY I LOVE YOU ....Beautiful Story

 IF I TELL YOU SAY I LOVE YOU ... A Beautiful Story
 February  2, 2018  Maverick Greatness

Ophelia: I am going to make him mine, just you wait and see. You need to see the phone he is using.
Jemila: What kind of phone
Ophelia: The trending “iphone X”. That dude is a rich guy and I am going to do whatever it takes to make him mine.
Jemila: Hmmm, be very careful ooo. all these men of nowadays are not what you should hope and trust ooo.
Ophelia: I am actually surprised you are saying that to me.
Jemila: why?
Ophelia: Because what you said is supposed to be said to him. He should be careful of me because I will do anything to make him mine.
Jemila: Okay.
Three days later, while Ophelia was at work, she got a call from an unknown caller and answered.
Ophelia: Hello, good day.
Caller: Good day beautiful, how are you doing today?
Ophelia: Fine and thank you but who am I on to please?
Caller: It is the guy you met on Sunday.
Ophelia: ‘Sorry, I met a lot of guys on Sunday, who in particular are you please’ she lied.
Caller: I am the guy you gave your number to after service.
Ophelia: okay, I remember. Good afternoon.
Caller: Afternoon and how are you?
Ophelia: I am fine. Ermmm please What is your name again?
Caller: My name is Benicio but you can call me Ben for short and you are Ophelia I guess.
Ophelia: Yes I am and how did you know?
Benicio: Trucaller, I saw your name on truecaller app.
Ophelia: Wow, okay. But I am at work at the moment, can we talk later?
Benicio: Sure, how about we meet up after work?
Ophelia: I am sorry but that won’t be possible.
Benicio: Why is that?
Ophelia: I do not spend late hours outside.
Benicio: Really?
Ophelia: Yes, maybe some other time.
Benicio: Will Saturday be okay or do you work on Saturdays?
Ophelia: Saturday would have been fine but I will be very busy, sorry.
Benicio: You work on Saturdays?
Ophelia: No, not really but I have trainings that I attend and it takes my whole day.
Benicio: What about Sunday after Service?
Ophelia: Sunday it is then.
Benicio: Alright but can I keep calling you?
Ophelia: ‘Sure’ she said and bid him goodbye.
After Service on Sunday, Benicio called her line, wanting to know why he didn’t see her in church.
Benicio: ‘Hello’ he said when she picked up.
Ophelia: Hello Ben, how are you?
Benicio: I am fine. Are you in church, I am outside the church compound waiting for you.
Ophelia: No I am not in church at the moment.
Benicio: Why, didn’t you come to church today?
Ophelia: I did but I came for first service.
Benicio: Wow, so how do I get to see you?
Ophelia: Will Wednesday be okay with you?
Benicio: Why Wednesday, I thought we agreed on meeting today?
Ophelia: Yes but there is a change of plan and I am so sorry that I didn’t inform you, I actually forgot.

Benicio: No problem. See you on Wednesday then.
Ophelia: ‘Alright then’ she said and hung up.
Jemila: After the call she asked ‘Who was that’?
Ophelia: Ben, my husband to be.
Jemila: Why don’t you want to meet up with him yet?
Ophelia: because it isn’t yet time, I do not want him to think that I am cheap or desperate woman.
Jemila: Will you see him this Wednesday as promised.
Ophelia: Yes I will.
On Wednesday evening after close of work, Benicio called Ophelia asking where will be suitable for them to meet and she suggested a restaurant close to her office. One getting there, Benicio called Ophelia that he was there.
Ophelia: Hello Ben, Hope I did not keep you waiting?
Benicio: ‘No you did not, please have a seat’ he instructed and she obliged. What would you like to have?
Ophelia: Nothing much just a bottle of water will do.
Benicio: ‘Alright’ he said, called a waiter and instructed him on what to serve them. After he was done, he looked at her and smiled saying ‘do you know you are beautiful?
Ophelia: ‘I hear that a lot’ she said smiling, why were you so eager to meet up with me Ben?
Benicio: Because I see you as a nice person and will really want to want to know you better.
Ophelia: ‘Is that all? Just for us to be friends’ she asked as she opened the bottle water laid in front of her.
Benicio: I want more than that if only you will let me.
Question: What does Benicio meant by that last statement? Do you think their relationship will last longer as expected?
To be continued
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